I just came across this short movie by Crist??bal Vila. It presents an attempt to show how nature and math are related in an artistic and beautiful manner. You can see familiar stuff like Fibonacci series, golden ratio, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagrams in it. It has great visuals as well as a great choice of music. I simply loved this video and I cannot give enough credit to it!
Author: Çetin
Null Encryption
There is a Null Encryption Algorithm supported by the IPsec, which you can use to encrypt IPsec packets, and I had a lot of fun reading its RFC yesterday. As you may have already guessed from its name, what it does is nothing. If you wonder how someone could have written a document of 1400+ words specifying something that literally does nothing then I suggest that you read RFC 2410.Continue reading
DirectInput has been one of the commonly used components of game engines, especially the ones developed by hobbyists which easily cloaks the fact that it’s actually quite deprecated.Continue reading
Regular Mess
Regular expressions can actually be quite messy. Don’t you think so? Well, think not before you see this…Continue reading
Bit Fields
Bit fields are probably one of the least popular language features of C/C++. By using bit fields the programmer can precisely define how many bits are occupied by each member of a struct
or class
.Continue reading
Java is so slow…
… you would think. Maybe not, but many people seem to agree with that. One interesting fact is that, though, Java’s allocations are much faster than classic malloc allocations.Continue reading